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A Software-Based Approach to Active Noise Control in Automobiles

March 2014
5 pages
A Software-Based Approach to Active Noise Control in Automobiles

To reduce engine noise caused by fuel-saving techniques like variable cylinder management, automakers use active noise control, which plays “anti-noise” over the car's loudspeakers. However, existing ANC systems require dedicated hardware, adding design complexity and significant BOM costs. This paper examines how software-based ANC that runs on existing hardware in a car's infotainment or audio system can reduce costs significantly while offering better performance and design flexibility.

A Software-Based Approach to Active Noise Control in Automobiles

Elementary... in principle -

Considerations and tradeoffs -

How does a software-based ANC solution measure up?

Enhancing the user experience - [+]

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Tina Jeffrey

Tina Jeffrey

In her role as automotive product marketing manager, Tina Jeffrey oversees the marketing efforts for several QNX automotive initiatives, including QNX Acoustics for Active Noise Control, and participates in industry standards groups, including the Automotive and Web Platform Business Group of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Tina has more than 17 years’ experience in the semiconductor and software industries. She has designed SoCs and ASICs, and has expertise in both marketing and engineering strategy. Prior to joining QNX Software Systems, Tina was responsible for technical marketing of multimedia and image processors for automotive and consumer market segments.

Tina has published papers on image cognition processors and intelligent imaging for automotive applications. She holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in electrical engineering from the University of Ottawa.

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